Young Adults

Ages 18-35

Young Adults

Welcome to the Young Adult Ministry at Pukalani Community Church of the Nazarene! We are a vibrant community of young adults, meeting every Sunday night at 6:30 PM, coming together to grow deeper in our faith, strengthen relationships, and build a strong foundation in Christ.

Led by Caleb and Chaye Brown, our gatherings are a space where you can experience authentic fellowship, dive deep into the Word of God, and discover the power of prayer. Each week, we gather for a shared dinner, followed by fun games and activities that create an atmosphere of connection and laughter. But it doesn’t stop there—our focus is on spiritual growth, as we explore the depths of Scripture and engage in meaningful conversations about how to live out our faith in today’s world.

Whether you’re new to the church or looking for a group to walk alongside you in your faith journey, our Young Adult Ministry is here to provide a welcoming, encouraging, and supportive environment. It’s more than just a meeting—it's a place to build lasting relationships and be challenged to grow closer to God.

We can't wait to see you this Sunday night at 6:30 PM. Come hungry, come ready to learn, and come ready to connect!


When: Sundays at 6:30 PM
Where: Pukalani Community Church of the Nazarene
What: Dinner, games, fellowship, the Word, and prayer
Leaders: Caleb & Chaye Brown
Join us as we dig deeper into our faith, seek God together, and grow as a community of believers.

Ministry Head

Caleb & Chaye Brown

Young Adult Leaders

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